Elegance HCG Oral30

The extra powerful Elegance HCG Oral30 diet helps to lose weight in a responsable way. For everybody that wants to lose weight but doesn’t want to follow a double treatment, we do recommend Elegance HCG Oral30: lose weight effectively in 30 days!

The Elegance HCG Oral30 diet helps to lose weight and improve health in a responsible way. The Elegance HCG Oral30 solution helps with hunger feelings and stimulates the burning of mobile fat, the fat that is stored around the hips, thighs, belly, bottom, upper arms, but leaves the structural fat, the fat that is inside the muscles, offering protection to the organs, untainted. That way, the excessive fat can disappear and the – for many people- typical problem zones are handled even more efficiently.

During 30 days you take in a daily ampoule of Elegance HCG Oral solution and follow the added fat-free and low-carbohydrate diet. The Elegance HCG Oral solution makes sure the program is easy to maintain and that you have enough energy for your daily life.

With every Elegance HCG Oral30 cure you receive an extensive enclosure and a tasteful diet advice.

Do you only want to lose a few pounds, or did you gain some weight after a previous weight loss treatment? Then do half a treatment! In 15 days, you will lose that extra weight in a healthy way. Share your treatment with friends or family!

Contents of the Elegance HCG Oral30 treatment:

  • 30 Elegance Oral vials
  • 1 pipette
  • Extended 60 pages enclosure.

List price € 153,95

Ingredients Elegance HCG Oral ampul

  • Water,
  • L-Carnitine tartrate (10 mg per ampoule),
  • preservative Potassium sorbate,
  • preservative Sodium benzoate,
  • acid Citric acid,
  • chromium (III) chloride (20 μg Chromiumper ampoule, 50% RDI*),
  • sodium selenite (11,2 μg Selenium per ampoule,  20% RDI*)
  • cyanocobalamin(Vitamin B12; 0,0006%; 2,4 μg per tablet, 96% RDI*)

* Recommended Daily Intake

A dietary supplement cannot be used to replace well-balanced and varied food  and a healthy life style. The recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Keep out of reach for children.  Store in a cool, dry, dark place. Read the instructions before use.